The Magnetic Circuit in Transformer
A magnetic circuit or core of a transformer is designed to provide a path for the magnetic field, which is necessary for the induction of voltages between windings.
They are due to voltages induced in the steel of the core, which is constantly subject to alternating magnetic fields. Steel itself is a conductor, and changing lines of magnetic flux also induce a voltage and current in this conductor. By using very thin sheets of steel with insulating material between sheets, eddy currents (losses) are greatly reduced.
The two common arrangements of the magnetic path and the windings are shown below figure. In the core-type (core form) transformer, the windings surround the core. A section of both primary and secondary windings are wound on each leg of the core, the low voltage winding is wound next to the core, and the high voltage winding is wound over the low voltage
1| Core Losses
Since magnetic lines of force in a transformer are constantly changing in value and direction, heat is developed because of the hysteresis of the magnetic material (friction of the molecules). This heat must be removed; therefore, it represents an energy loss of the transformer.
High temperatures in a transformer will drastically shorten the life of insulating materials used in the windings and structures. For every 8 degrees Celsius (°C) temperature rise, the life of the transformer is cut by one-half; therefore, maintenance of cooling systems is critical.
Losses of energy, which appears as heat due both to hysteresis and to eddy currents in the magnetic path, is known as core losses. Since these losses are due to alternating magnetic fields, they occur in a transformer whenever the primary is energized, even though no load is on the secondary winding.
2| Copper Losses
There is some loss of energy in a transformer due to the resistance of the primary winding to the magnetizing current, even when no load is connected to the transformer. This loss appears as heat generated in the winding and must also be removed by the cooling system. When a load is connected to a transformer and electrical currents exist in both primary and secondary windings, further losses of electrical energy occur. These losses, due to resistance of the windings, are called copper losses (or the I^2 R losses).